Diode Laser Treatment Near Me

Orthodontic treatments have seen remarkable advancements over the years, and one of the most significant innovations is the use of diode lasers. These high-precision tools have revolutionized the way even our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists handle various challenges, ensuring better outcomes and enhanced patient experiences.

Here are 3 main ways that diode laser treatment can set you up for success before braces are applied and after they’re removed.

With a Specialized Diode Laser, We Can:

1. Correct “Gummy” Smiles

A gummy smile, where an excessive amount of gum tissue is visible when smiling, can be a concern for many patients after the braces removal process. Diode lasers provide a precise and minimally invasive solution to this problem. By using a diode laser, our orthodontists can carefully reshape the gum line to reveal more of the tooth structure, creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

This procedure, known more widely as gum contouring, is quick and typically involves very little discomfort and recovery time. The precision of the diode laser ensures that only the excess gum tissue is removed, preserving the health of the surrounding tissues.

2. Clear Gum Tissue for Bracket and Wire Placement

Effective orthodontic treatment often depends on the proper placement of brackets and wires. However, excessive gum tissue can sometimes obstruct the optimal positioning of these essential components. Diode lasers can be used to remove or reshape this gum tissue, providing a clear field for our team to work.

Not only does this improve the accuracy of bracket placement but it also enhances the overall effectiveness of the ceramic or metal braces. The use of diode lasers in this context is particularly advantageous because it reduces the need for more invasive surgical procedures, leading to quicker healing times and less postoperative discomfort for patients.

3. Better Encourage Stubborn Teeth to Erupt

In some cases, teeth may have difficulty emerging properly due to being trapped beneath the gum tissue. This can occur with permanent teeth or in cases where baby teeth are slow to fall out. Diode lasers can be used to gently remove the gum tissue that is obstructing the path of these teeth, facilitating their proper emergence.

Learn MoreBraces & Your Child: When Is the Right Time?

This technique, known as laser-assisted tooth eruption, can be particularly beneficial for ensuring timely and efficient orthodontic treatment. By using a diode laser, our orthodontists can precisely target the area that needs to be treated, minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues and promoting faster recovery.

Advantages of Diode Lasers in Orthodontics

The benefits of incorporating diode lasers into orthodontic treatments extend beyond their specific applications. One of the primary advantages is their ability to perform procedures with high precision and minimal invasiveness. This precision reduces the risk of damaging adjacent tissues and results in less bleeding and swelling compared to traditional surgical methods. Furthermore, diode lasers have sterilizing properties, which decrease the likelihood of infection post-procedure.

Patients also experience significantly less discomfort during and after procedures involving diode lasers. The reduced need for anesthesia, quicker healing times, and minimal postoperative pain contribute to a more positive overall experience.

Give Our Team a Call to Learn More

By enabling precise modifications to gum tissue, our orthodontists in Gainesville and Lake City, FL, can ensure that braces and other orthodontic devices are placed more accurately, the gum line is to your liking, and teeth that are late to the party emerge. Call one of our Progressive Orthodontics offices today to request an appointmentand learn if diode lasers will play a role in your treatment.

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If you’re ready to achieve your dream smile, contact our office today!