Orthodontists In Gainesville And Lake City Fl

Getting braces is an exciting step toward achieving a straighter, healthier smile, but if you’re an athlete—or the parent of one—you may wonder if braces will impact your ability to play sports. The good news is that you can absolutely stay active and continue participating in your favorite sports as you undergo orthodontic treatment with our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists.

Here are 4 essential safety tips you can use while playing sports with braces.

Do Sports & Braces Mix?

Yes, playing sports is still very much possible while you’re wearing braces! While braces don’t limit your physical abilities, they do require a bit of extra care to avoid injuries to your teeth, gums, and orthodontic appliances. Both traditional metal and ceramic braces, as well as clear aligners, are designed to be strong and durable, but they aren’t immune to damage from sudden impacts or accidents.

Fortunately, following a few simple guidelines can help you maintain your active lifestyle without sacrificing the progress of your orthodontic treatment.

1. Wear a Mouthguard

Wearing a mouthguard with braces is one of the most important safety measures you can take if you choose to continue with a sport. Mouthguards provide a protective barrier between your braces and the soft tissues of your mouth, reducing the risk of injuries like cuts, bruises, or damage to your teeth and orthodontic appliances.

There are two types of mouthguards commonly used by athletes with braces:

  • Boil-and-Bite Mouthguards: Though not always the best choice, these moldable mouthguards are affordable and work in a pinch. Boil-and-bite mouthguards soften when placed in hot water, allowing you to create a customized fit.
  • Orthodontic Mouthguards: Designed specifically for patients with braces, custom orthodontic mouthguards are highly recommended as they are made to fit you and you only. Each device provides extra room to accommodate brackets and wires, plus they’re typically made of softer material to reduce the pressure on your braces in case of impact.

Our orthodontists can recommend the best type of mouthguard for your specific treatment. It’s important to wear your mouthguard during both practice and games, especially if you participate in contact sports like football, soccer, basketball, or hockey.

2. Avoid High-Impact Sports If Possible

While it’s safe to play most sports with braces, you may want to consider avoiding sports with a higher risk of facial injury or heavy contact, such as boxing, wrestling, or rugby. These sports carry a higher likelihood of getting hit in the mouth, which can lead to an orthodontic emergency in the form of broken brackets, wires, or even injury to your teeth and lips.

However, if high-impact sports are a major part of your life, make sure to take extra precautions like wearing a high-quality mouthguard and using protective headgear. Always consult with our orthodontists about the best ways to protect your braces in more intense sports environments.

3. Keep a Braces Repair Kit Handy

Accidents can happen, and it’s not uncommon for braces to experience minor damage during sports. A broken bracket or poking wire doesn’t mean you have to stop playing, but having a braces repair kit on hand can make a big difference in your comfort and ability to continue your activity.

Your on-the-go kit should include:

  • Orthodontic wax to cover any sharp or uncomfortable areas
  • Small tweezers for adjusting or removing loose brackets or wires
  • A small mirror to help inspect any damage
  • Over-the-counter pain relief for any minor discomfort

If you do experience an issue, contact one of our offices as soon as possible to schedule a repair appointment. Acting quickly can help prevent more serious damage or delays in your treatment progress.

4. Stay on Top of Your Oral Hygiene

Playing sports often means you’re constantly on the go, but it’s important not to neglect your oral hygiene while wearing braces. After a game or practice, take a few minutes to clean your braces and teeth. Food particles and bacteria can easily get trapped around the various components, which can lead to plaque buildup, cavities, and even longer treatment times.

Our orthodontists recommend that you:

  • Brush and floss regularly, paying special attention to your brackets and wires.
  • Carry a travel soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste in your sports bag for post-game cleanups.
  • Rinse with water or mouthwash if you can’t brush immediately.

By keeping your teeth and braces clean, you’ll ensure that your orthodontic treatment stays on track and your mouth stays healthy.

Schedule an Appointment

Playing sports with braces is not only possible, it’s encouraged! Staying active is important for both your physical health and your overall well-being. By following these safety tips outlined by our orthodontists in Gainesville and Lake City, FL, you can continue to do what you love while progressing toward a straighter, healthier smile. Call one of our Progressive Orthodontics offices today to request an appointment.

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